Project Updates
The preferred transportation alternative will be moving into design in early 2023. A Request for Proposals (RFP) will be advertised in December 2022 to ultimately select a consultant to aid the City of Columbus in designing the on-road side path for the Mt. Vernon Avenue Corridor. Visit the Consultant Selection page to view the Upcoming Request for Proposal Contracts.
Preferred Alternative
A preferred alternative has been identified for the Mt. Vernon Avenue corridor following community outreach and engagement of the three transportation alternatives. The on-road side path has been selected to move forward into the design and funding process. The on-road side path meets the project goals, including: reducing crashes, improving safety for all roadway users, increasing mobility options, and enhancing aesthetics.
This alternative will contribute to traffic calming by narrowing vehicular lanes, reducing crossing distances for pedestrians, providing dedicated space for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized transportation users; and provides opportunities to incorporate beautification elements. Please see the slides below outlining the side path alternative. The alternative is still conceptual and will require additional input as it moves into the design phase. If you would like to submit comments on this proposal, use the comment form below, email, or call (614) 645-3111
Example of preferred alternative:
Preferred Transportation Alternatives Slides (June 2022)
Transportation Options Survey
The Transportation Options Survey has closed as of March 21, 2022.
View the results of the Transportation Options Survey.
Bronzeville/Mt. Vernon Mobility and Safety Action Plan Overview
The Bronzeville/Mt. Vernon Avenue Mobility and Safety Action Plan has been under development since fall 2020. A public survey was distributed in early 2021 to get input from residents on perceptions of transportation safety on Mt. Vernon Avenue. Since then, the project team has developed three transportation options based on public feedback in order to reach a preferred option to improve Mt. Vernon Avenue.
The goal of this study is to improve traffic safety on Mt. Vernon Avenue by reducing speeding and crashes, providing more mobility options for residents to get around, and enhancing neighborhood aesthetics.
Public Comments
Submit comments on the Bronzeville/Mt. Vernon Ave. Mobility and Safety Action Plan:
Public Meetings
Two virtual public meetings were held on Thursday, February 17, 2022 at 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. The same information was presented at both meetings. The meeting slides are available here for review: Public Meeting Slides.
Tactical Urbanism Installation
The Department of Public Service placed an interim safety treatment on Mt. Vernon Avenue from 20th Street to Phillips Street in September 2021.
This treatment includes the following:
- All-way STOP signs at Champion Avenue and Mt. Vernon Avenue
- All-way STOP signs at Ohio Avenue and Mt. Vernon Avenue
- New crosswalk markings near Champion Middle School
- Striped parking lanes with curb extensions along Mt. Vernon Avenue
This installation meets one of the overarching project goals from the Bronzeville/Mt. Vernon Avenue Mobility and Safety Action Plan to address crashes and near misses at the Champion Avenue and Mt. Vernon Avenue intersection. The installation is continually being monitored for effectiveness at reducing vehicle speeds and crashes and will remain in place until a preferred alternative is identified.
The project team is currently working towards developing concepts for the corridor to meet the goals of reducing vehicle speeds, improving safety, and providing more transportation options to residents. Corridor-wide concepts are being evaluated for long-term implementation and are currently unfunded. Alternatives will be evaluated based upon safety, mobility, community alignment, and feasibility. Intersection improvements will be assessed in relation to each alternative. For more information, please email, or call (614) 645-3111.